Are We Monsters - Debut Feature Film Makes it to FrightFest!

We are delighted and excited to have made our first feature film, ‘Are We Monsters’. It has been quite the journey, but it’s far from over!

‘Are We Monsters’ is about a werewolf conflicted with identity, Maya, who seeks to understand the two sides of herself- before the consequences become deadly. It’s quite a unique film with innovative storytelling with mixed live-action and animation to explore the original lore of werewolves and uncover what is it that makes someone a monster.

The festival to World premiere ‘Are We Monsters’ was FrightFest in London’s Leicester Square. It was an amazing experience and we documented the entire experience in a short animation!

The response to the film has been extraordinary and we couldn’t be more excited to share the film with the rest of the world! We are currently continuing our festival tour and will hopefully be signing soon to get distribution in action so that all can enjoy and explore the folklore of our unique werewolf fantasy!

But for now, you can learn more about the film with our Q&A with The Horror Channel:

If you’d like to know more about Are We Monsters, you can visit the website here

To keep up to date with our future projects, you can follow my Twitter/Instagram


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