UniTV Win BIG at NaSTA 2018

UniTV is the University of Sussex's Television station, which I have helped run over the past 3-4 years.

Last night the team went up to the annual national award ceremony and won a borderline ridiculous number of awards. What amazes me the most, is how such a small team can hold its ground against such well established stations across the country who have over 100 members! UniTV has been struggling for numbers this year, dwindling on an average of around 6 active members.

Some might say that too many cooks spoil the broth, and who knows, that might be right, as UniTV sweeps up 20% of the awards against 42 different stations! How crazy is that!?
Answer: Very.

Winner - Best Drama
UniTV Does Black Mirror: Transient

Winner - Best Post Production
UniTV Does Black Mirror: Transient

Winner - Best Dramatic Performance
Stefan Chanyaem in Transient

Winner - Best Comedy
Hello Student Parody

Highly Commended - Cinematography
UniTV Does Black Mirror: Transient

Highly Commended - Animation
Mental Health Transparency

Highly Commended - Title Sequence
News Hit

You can watch the winning videos below:

UniTV Does Black Mirror: Transient

Mental Health Transparency

Hello Student Parody

News Hit


DIY Lights to Digital Paint Strokes


Tide of Ghosts, that's a wrap.